In addition to the letter from the Governor, the Coronavirus Relief Funds Terms and Conditions states the following in the “Performance Period” section:
“Funding has been authorized for eligible expenditures incurred between March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020. The performance period for this Grant is from acceptance of this Grant Agreement to the liquidation date or December 30, 2020, whichever is earlier. All expenditures must be incurred and all services must be received within the performance period.”
GASB Technical Bulletin No. 2020-1, states the following:
“The U.S. Treasury has determined that CRF resources are not grants and instead has identified the resources as ‘other financial assistance’ under 2 CFR 200.40. However, the provisions in paragraph 8 of Statement 33 require that, for accounting and financial reporting purposes, the focus of the analysis be on the substance of a transaction. The CARES Act, as clarified through the FAQs, stipulates certain conditions that are required to be met, such as the incurrence of eligible expenditures. Those conditions are identified, for accounting and financial reporting purposes, as eligibility requirements. In addition, the recipient government has the ability not to accept the resources. Therefore, the CRF Funds are identified as voluntary nonexchange transactions, subject to eligibility requirements rather than purpose restrictions.“
Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions
4.7. Q – A city government with a June 30 fiscal year-end incurred costs for debris clearing and increased public safety protection as a result of a natural disaster that occurred on May 30, 20X8. The president of the United States declared a natural disaster and approved funding for the region affected. The city applied for federal funding, and it received a notice of award on June 29, 20X8. The city executed the grant agreement on July 5, 20X8. Can the city recognize voluntary nonexchange revenue as of June 30, 20X8, for the reimbursement of costs incurred related to the natural disaster that occurred that fiscal year?
A – No. Paragraph 15 of Statement No. 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Nonexchange Transactions, identifies expenditure-driven grant provisions to be a form of stipulation that “is considered an eligibility requirement…and affects the timing of recognition. That is, there is no award -… the recipient has no asset (receivable) – until the recipient has met the provider’s requirements by incurring costs in accordance with the provider’s program.” In other words, in the absence of an executed grant agreement before the end of the reporting period, the city cannot establish that it has incurred allowable costs and, therefore, cannot establish the existence of an asset (a receivable) at June 30, 20X8; that is the case even when the city has incurred costs that could be reimbursable once the grant agreement is executed. Assets and revenue should be recognized for allowable costs only after the grant agreement is executed.